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Timéa Mate

S&F Employee Portrait (01 June 2023)

What are your passions outside S&F? I'm a big fan of photography, and more specifically fashion photo shoots. It's a passion that keeps me very busy in my spare time. On top of that, I'm passionate about Vietnamese martial arts, which I practice at least once a week. It helps me clear my head and keep a good balance.

What's not on my CV? I finished 7th in the European Viet Vo Dao (Vietnamese martial art) championship in 2019.

If you weren't working in the fund industry, what field would you prefer to work in?  Photography. As I said, it occupies a lot of my free time and I enjoy posing in front of the lens.

Describe S&F in 3 words? resilience, vision, commitment.

What makes Solutions & Funds different from your other employers? At S&F, you always get there in the end! Even if we must move mountains, we do it, and that's what makes this experience so special. You feel everyone's constant support and that always gives you the push you need to get where you want to go.

Thank you Timéa for your commitment to our customers and for all your support.